We lying by the seashore, watching foam and quay

And the fathomless sea, mocks the mortal eye

Who follows endless horizons, of perpetual pipes

With no end, hollow and dark as the sun’s own shade,

For in this grave of both sea and quay a calling out

For beginnings and ends is as grave and exuberant

As the shortfall and the overabundance of of it all.

The cold lunar silence of the most gibbous of moons;

The monotonous tides of boring circadian rhythms; and,

We ribbed between desert and water typhoon storm,

With heavenly music over both shore and quay; alas,

We own and are bound by this sovereign strip of sand,

Watching sea and quay in their innumerable brewing,

The stratum of the sea and red rock quay: neither can we

With mortal eye withstand the innumerable brewing of death.

Such is the division of shore and quay; such is the drowning

Of suns and their innumerable horizons; such is my life

Lying by the seashore with the  brewing of shore and quay

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