Being lied to about WMD is one thing, but now the fear

Mongers tell us to shred the Constitution in favor of allowing

Quick surveillance and further intrusions on our privacy.

Ike, with his five stars on his shoulder and the presidential chair

Could not save us from the beltway kleptocrats seeking plutocracy

And not democracy in foreign lands. When did we ever own the U.S.?

Fifty two percent of the fiscal pie goes to the military.  The gaiety in

The morning of war is always momentary; the greedy bankers hunker

For disaster and at Easter the risen Christ is celebrated by roasting rabbits.

We say to the serpent, “This is your house; we will make it comfortable

For you with newspapers.”  On the front page of those newspapers are

Victims with the saddest glower next to the victors and merchants of death.

So many people are gravely disappointed when the bombing is cancelled;

No one in the military ever retires: old generals live in cottages on their

Pensions and keep their old plans for war under their bed for posterity.

Some say that all the iron and oil we scrape out of the ground we will

Have to pay dearly for someday.  In Baghdad we had to pay dearly for

Sedan in the driveway and all the non biodegradable plastics we use.

Currency is what we trade with other countries at different rates.  Coca

Leaf in Columbia tells us that their military pie is supported by dope. Petro

Dollars is an eponym for oil money; always the pie is eaten with both fists.

Each evening we reach for our neighbor’s food.  Every night we meet with

Saturn who asks us, “What have you done to your brother?” We answer by saying,

“I have listened to the fear mongers and gave them everything for a false peace.

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