I'm Not Ready Yet

Spirtual Poems

In the beginning I created the heavens and the earth and everything in trhem. I created everything for my glory. I created man to also worship and praise

me, and since mankind's fall I still require you to do so. I have sent prophets and judges to you telling you to turn from your sinful ways, and you tell me

you are not ready yet. I sent Evangelist, Apostles, and Biships, and other anointed people among you, and you still say you are not ready yet. I asked

you to obstain from sexual activities until you are married, and you say your body has needs; will you burn for a few moments of pleasure? I asked that

you do not drink strong drink but you say that you enjoy it; will you settle for temporary joy instead of enternal joy? I asked that you surrender your heart

to me, turn from sin and worship me, live right, but you still say you're not ready yet. I asked that you assemble yourselves in church, but you said there is

a football game on; couldn't you just record it? You said you went to the club last night, but didn't I tell you to stay away from unclean, unholy places? You

tell me you got up late; couldn't you have went to bed early? I continue to plead to you and call to you to turn from your ways and do right, but you still tell

me you are not ready yet. You are into your friends and material things: Jewelry, exspensive clothes, big house, car, furniture, approval from your friends,

and going to unholy and unclean places. All these things are temporary and I can take them from you right now. Suppose you ask me to wake you up, and I

tell you, " I'm not ready yet." Suppose you see danger coming and ask me for help, and I tell you, "I'm not ready yet." Suppose you are sick, or a dear love

one is sick, and you ask me to heal you or them, and I tell you, "I'm not ready yet." Suppose you are on the street, homeless, and no one else can or will

help you, and you ask me to help you, and I tell you, "I"m not ready yet." Suppose your body is in extreme pain and agony, and no one else is able to re-

leave it but me, and you cry and plead for relief, and I tell you, "I'm not ready yet." As I said in my word, " No one knows the day or hour that I will send my

son back; so you better get ready now, and be ready when he returns.


                                                                                                                                                                               George P. Scott Jr.

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