It Is

To: Who From: Me






I like it to much

I can't find the other one

I promised you

But not really.

I can give you another one.

You have to promise me 

You won't like it

( I can be moody like that )


I like your poem more

Just a little bit confused

About it.





Stuck in the middle

With you

Don't mind me

I'm just talking to my muse


Considering that


Is it my next poem?


My Ex hated when I amused myself

Yeah, Ex

I am amused right now

Cuz I am talking about you

And tellin' why

it amuses me

That you don't get to read

My poetry

That if you would of treated me better

It could of been about you.


All the picture windows

Have been shattered

The games

Have all been played.

Am I in any family photos

That you took today?

Oh Yeah

I am the one

That had to do that 


Carving out and up

The latest

Peace Treaty.

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