Miss You

I miss  the band-aid on my shoe

And all the other band-aids on their shoes.

I miss our inside jokes, how we thought alike.

I miss English class together

Because all we even did was talk and pass notes.

I miss how you said everything that came to your mind.

And how you laughed at yourself for the many stupid things you said

As we joined along with you.

I miss your ridiculous questions like "Do you have a bathroom?"

And how you pointed out once in awhile how I'm left handed.

I miss how you could eat two dozen slices of watermelon

And how you ate more of my gum than I did.

I miss your love for volleyball, and your stories about your cat.

I even miss your garbage bag at lunch time.

I miss how you lived in the middle of nowhere

And how we all thought it seemed so far away.

But most of all I just miss you.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

For my friend who moved away.

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