Something I Don't Know

Don't tell me that life sucks

It's been told once before.

Don't make me understand how angry you have become towards people and the world

Because for God's sake I know.

I know it hurts when you trip and fall

And no one helps to save you

From the people who stab you in the back with their soles.

Don't tell me the world can eat you up whole

Because I've already been swallowed and spit out.

I know everything can be cruel-

The world, the people, the setting and the dialogue.

But I also know that you can never become broken

Unless you let yourself become it.

I know that someone will always be on your side

Even when you feel like you're standing alone.

So don't tell me life sucks.

Save your breath for something I don't know.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote it because my friend hated where she was living. She was telling me how sad she was so I wrote this.

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