this thing for you and with you

Your kisses

send my body into convulsions

on the low

cant let you know

what you do to me


in little ways

I do


Being in your arms

makes me feel

so warm

so fuzzy

so wanted

that I'm haunted 

by it each day

wanting nothing more


The way you look at me

sends me to another place

making me feel



something I find myself hiding from

but you let me know I'm the one

for you

and that scares me

even though I want to be


I find myself doing things

out of my character

just to be in your presence

just so I can get a glimpse

trying not to call it love

even though that's your name for it


I don't want to feel that shit


I do


this thing that I have for you

this thing that I have with you

feels true

even though I fight it

I secretly 


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