


6-25-03  Anniversary

I've looked forward to the 25th
for a few years now, a special day.
It's the anniversary of our friendship.
Or, is it the anniversary of our meeting?
We didn't make it to the four years, did we?
You decided to end it, no longer friends.
You chose to walk away.
Even though you promised....
we'd always be friends.
You promised.
When will I learn? hearts, get broken.
Four years...I wonder, will you remember?
No, cause you never did before.
You won't now. Doubt you ever will.
It's a girl thing--anniversaries.
I thought something special happened.
I remembered the day.
Always will, I guess.
So, Happy Aniversary my friend.

An,afo Ldcnw mf lprmco. p.macbo ,drn.
.k.b ,cydrgy frgv


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Six twenty-five ninety-nine
Do you remember?

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