*-White Daisys, Revisited



White Daisys, Revisited



She sat alone in the car,

with her head upon the wheel.

The silent tear drops falling

from the heartache that she feels.

With a sigh of resignation,

she stops and dries her eyes.

There's a new day dawning

and now she's realized...

She didn't want to see it

all coming to this end.

Their romantic dream, their fantasy,

was now back to being friends.

She never really hated him,

It's just the words he said.

It was just the 'little things',

those details that he hid.

So then she got out of the car,

and walked back thru the gate.

Those are MY white daisys,

she exclaimed.  You......reprobate!

And she took back her white daisys

from her wanna still be friend.

She knew right then, in her heart,

the longing one day soon would end.

And as she left with a smile,

she knew she'd soon recover.

No earthly reason left to pine

over some fantasy lover.

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