

I knew a girl – her name was Charlene
All crucifix and smiles and nicotine,
The closest thing to free that I’ve ever been.
If for a moment we could have tasted
That first communion that we wasted
Maybe today we’d still be free.


East of Eden somewhere lost and ima(s)culate
In a se(x)ular culture empty and dated –
The sins of our fathers testify against us.
The poet, the pornographer, the priest, these three -

Equal partners inthe ecstasy ... 

Lord save us from the prison we cannot see,


Chorus:   Hmm hmmm hmmm etc.


Two smooth stones, a monastery, an inquest,
When love itself has been laid to rest,
Father would you grant me this last request:
Give me God or give me death. (St. Origen)
Give me God... but not in the flesh. (St. Augustine)
But when you’ve tasted love, tell me what else is left? (Peter Abelard)


Now truth is beauty, beauty undressed,
A stone of stumbling for the blessed
While they confess, confess, confess, confess…
These guys are our fathers but where are the mothers?
And what about all that went on under the covers?
How can there be Love went there ain’t no Lovers?


Chorus:   Hmm hmmm hmmm etc.


Bridge: (Spoken to rythmic standard 12 bar blues progression)
No St. Origen, no salt Peter,

no Madonna and no Jimmy Swaggart,

no Sigmund Freud, KaitlynJenner,

no HIV, no Promise Keepers,


no St. Augustine, no Paul the Apostle,

no Dr. Dobson, no garden of Eden,

no "worth waiting for" and no Morgentlyer,

no Virgin Mary, no Lady Dianna,  


no St. Abelard and no poor Heloise,

no Bill Clinton, no Monica Lewinsky,

no Hugh Hefner, no Pink Triangle Week, ,

no Temptation Island, no paedophile priests…


Chorus:   Hmm hmmm hmmm etc.


Through the glass of Alice to the Playboy palace,
To all our broken, bleeding, stinking, sexual malice-
Standing at the altar with  Da Vinci’s  “missing” chalice!
Oh, could we go back to the very start?
Before Orig(e)nal sin? ...before the broken heart?
Before this sex-crazed culture tries to tear us apart?


Got a holy trinity, got you, got me,
Naked and unashamed like Adam and Eve
You die to self, but  then we live for each other.
My heart is restless, but it’s no fool-
Can it rest for just a little while
With you?


Chorus:   Hmm hmmm hmmm etc.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

This poem is a reflection over the lives of 3 of the churches early fathers and their problematic relationship to human sexuality.  Origen castrated himself for the kingdom, Augustine converted from a life of "sinful pleasure" to a kind of suppressed erotic spirituality.  And Peter Abelard was a gifted theologian who ended up falling into a sexual relationship with the young Heloise, whom he was supposed to be teaching theology. When discovered, Abelard was involuntarily sterilized and Heloise was sent to a nunnery. The song speculates on how these 3 may have inadvertently infected all of western culture with a kind of schizophrenic relationship to human sexuality and our human nature as embodied beings. The song plays with the idea that this may be the true "Origen-al sin", and not that one that happened in the garden. It ends with a prayer, playing on a famous expression by Blaize Pascal, another would be father, and with a yearning to "return to Eden" and an original embodied innocence.  My friend tells me this is all too much to pack into one song. Maybe so. It is what it is though.

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