My Father's Car

My father, the person I admire the most always have had something about cars, but especially about one car. Was this dark blue color, and in the interior a color skin that could be confused with the color of the skin. He was obsessed by that car, I remember that all Sundays in the morning he used to go to the garage, he lasted hours and hours cleaning it until he could see the brightness, taking care of all the details. When he ran it I could see through the mirror how he enjoyed it, how every time he stepped on the accelerator his glance demonstrated happiness and confidence. For him every mile he ran with it was like an infinite joy. The form to have his car impeccably demonstrated me the way my father is. He is a person with a personality that valuates things, the way in which he conserved his car was the same way he conserved himself. Even though he loved that car and sure he still does although it is not anymore with him he thought me that you can’t get attached to things, because nothing lasts forever. Also I can tell that the model car in some way looked like him, my father is a strong man, he hardly blends and so was his car, I remember that strong noise the car did every time he accelerated. Some people say that the car chooses you, and certainly I can say that was the case of my father I can see my father in many ways through that car. I can say that I admire from him that he is always so delicate with the stuff he cares about. I have to make myself clear that he is not a materialist guy, but he shows that passion he has by caring for the things he likes the most. I can say that I feel bonded to my father in that way. Besides I love cars too, I can say that when I care about something, I take care of it with my life, and I think that is a good moral my father has implemented in me, to care about the stuff you like with your heart. I think that is the link we have, we both share passion for cars and I guess we will always do, and that really makes me happy, because just like I mentioned at the beginning, he is the person I admire the most.


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