GONE....... AT 17


shes never smiled never laoughed

her and happiness have always been perfect strangers

her best friend was pain and misery was her only company

she never knew how to live because she always had to find a way to survive

she was alone because evryone who ever loved her died.

at 14 she found her pregnent mother dead on the living room floor

at 15 her father died in a car crash

at 16 she was raped by her uncle you could see why Black was her faverite color

she was a fighter constantly battling the agony  that was slowly eating her alive

she could never cry she had no more tiers

what she had to go through i don't wish on my wrost enemy

the wrost part is no one ever notice no one ever cared.

she was alone fighting the never ending pain and misery in her heart

everyone was obliviouse to her sadness they failed to notice the scars untill

SHE WAS GONE....  At 17

Author's Notes/Comments: 

this is a persanal one

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