In the doorway.

High School

the blood is rushing to my head.

there is too much life to comprehend.

i stand in the doorway for minutes,

facing you, communicating things we've never said.

when will my gaze tell you a story

of the places that ive been.

I dont know where you've been,

and i know you better than anyone else in the world.

what have you seen my friend?

lets sit and you can tell me the beginning to the end.

i realized my greatest sin...

i should have sat you down and asked.

who are you?

dizzy on the bayou,

im thinking, there will never be a day when i

truly understand.

and it makes me sad in the sun.

but i keep walking on the edge,

trying to stop myself from jumping.

its the only thing i learned how to do.

Standing in the doorway for hours,

communicating without words.

And my shadow gets longer as we

wait for each other.

when will my gaze convey

the depth in my hurt.

I know, I know, love...

For the rest of my life I will forgive you.

For anything you do.

Cause we are the same.

After I walk away,

I realize your greatest pain.

I should have sat you down,

kissed your mouth and asked,

who are you?

Because I have assumed,

and I see little of your soul these days.

Please tell me your story,

one I know too well...

Please tell me your story,

and I will read you anew.

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