My Grandma's mini-van

From one place to another it goes around, sometimes slow and sometimes very fast, it takes us everywhere and that’s not even the best part, my grandma drives it and it’s her favorite van. When we go for summer vacations it is a very long way, but it doesn’t matter because we are all together there. We laugh and we talk, we sing and we eat, the road seems more interesting when we’re enjoying it. I will admit sometimes is annoying, listen my grandpa’s snoring or my sister’s singing. We always talk there and have a great conversation I think that’s the place when we spend more time together. The van also led all the family to soccer games and the celebrating on the van is always the best. I have to say it isn’t always laughing, sometimes is where the scolding takes place. The van has been a kitchen sometimes, a room when we want to be alone, a concert when we sing out loud and a place where we have much fun. I learned how to drive on that van, and for my mom that was not an easy task. Something I need to mark out is that I also borrowed that van on my first date out. The stories on that van are infinite, and I’m glad I’m part of them, one of my favorite stories began on my house and it ended pushing the van when the tire ran out. Another I don’t like much is when it rained and I had to clean all the mess up. When my grandma lent me for the first time the van I took all my friends to a party that night. Another thing that I really like is to watch the window as the things pass by, while my mother and my grandma just keep talking out loud. It is a red van and it has plenty of seats, but not enough for my cousins and me. That’s why we are always real tight but that’s something that never minds. That van has led us to a lot of places and it has made a lot of stories that are very nice to remember. It is not the best van in the market, and there are many much better, but of one thing I’m pretty sure, the time we spend all together there, is time I will always remember.

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