Today is ‘Learn About Butterflies Day’ an insect we’d all love to hug

So I offer up this little limerick in honor of that beautiful bug.

I know it’s 3-14 and I should turn my attention to that mathematical constant Pi

But I choose instead to focus on the unpredictable butterfly:


From egg, larva, pupa to adult

The metamorphosis of a butterfly I now exult.

Yes down through the ages

They’ve encountered these stages

With such astonishing and beautiful results.


For mere beauty nothing in nature can beat them.

If they had cell phones we’d all want to tweet them.

Though their beauty’s diverse

It is also a curse

Because both frogs and birds like to eat them.


But here’s something I think long overdue.

And I now bring the question to you.

Shouldn’t that divine butterfly

Be called Flutterby


After all, isn’t that what they do?

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