She was a woman of many talents

an artist…a composer…a poet…an author too.

People looked at her with awe and wonder whenever she created something new.


They would marvel at her genius

and with each new creation they would marvel more…

amazed at her ability to create what no on had created before.


And she was always thankful for their praise…

Then she would kindly tell them they were wrong…

Saying, “I believe I’m only uncovering what has been her all along.”


“Look around!” She’d say…her smile wide…her voice elated

 “At the sky, the trees, the animals…at everything the universe created.


I am just an observer of the universe…the sky…the Earth.. .the air

I write down the notes I hear…I paint what’s already there.


There is music in the wind…in the birds

art in how the sunlight on the ocean glistens…

I believe the universe is trying to show us these miracles

all we have to do is look…and listen.


“Before I paint one stroke , compose one note…or right one word of verse

I close my eyes and take a moment to feel the universe.”


“And when the last word or note is written…when the paint is dried and sealed…

I drop down on my knees and thank the universe…for the secret she’s revealed.”

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