When I walk among the trees with their branches stretching high into the air

I think of all the wonders they have seen…all the wisdom stored in there.


In all the years they’ve spent listening as loyal sentries…silent monks

I think of all the knowledge…all the wisdom stored within their trunks.


And I wonder since trees cannot speak…how is their wisdom meant to reach us?

How are we to learn all the things the silent trees are meant to teach us?


Then I think…perhaps with silent wisdom is how our creators have designed them…

and if there are lessons in the trees…it is up to us to find them.


Lessons like strength and patience…and reaching for the stars

How to stand noble…tall and confident…proud of who we are.


How trees are kind and accepting to all the trees…how they help one another thrive…

how trees are all connected and need each other to survive.


How to weather any storm…how’s there is nothing they can’t face…

How they accept the wrinkles on their bark…and age with dignity and grace.


As they provide us with the air and beauty and shade perhaps the best lesson we should learn…is how to give to others…while asking nothing in return.


And I wonder since the trees and I are still growing…

every time to the forest I return….

how much more they have to teach me…

and how much more I have to learn

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