I was poised to take a picture of a ladybug when she turned around and said, 

“Do you mind!  

It’s impolite to take a picture of a lady from behind!”


“I hope you know…” she reprimanded me for behavior she deemed shady…

“That although you may think of me only as a bug…I…am also a lady.”


No, I’m not insane…I wasn’t under the influence of any drink or drug…

but that morning I sat down and had a conversation with a bug.


I learned how ladybugs got their name…and here I’m pretty sure she was putting on airs…when she told me they were sent by the Virgin Mary as an answer to European farmers prayers.


“They called us ‘Beetles of Our Lady.” She said proudly…then with a disgruntled shrug…added, “over the years our names have been shortened to the more demeaning ladybug.”


She said as an aid to farmers across the world we beetles were dispersed…and to remember when it comes to our name…”you always say lady first”.


She said ladies are poised and graceful and confident…well-mannered, well-spoken…well dressed…she said a lady is always willing to help those in need and always tries to do her best.


She said every lady is beautiful…something she wished more people knew…

she said if you can’t find the beauty in the lady…the problem lies with you.


She said, “Because of the name we’ve been given…one belief I must curtail…for all this time we’ve spent together…you've been talking to a male”.


“So how can I tell a male and female ladybug apart.” I asked as he sat comfortably on his plant…

He smiled…a sly and knowing smile then answered simply…”you can’t!”


Again I was amazed at nature….how there are lessons around every turn…

at how much a ladybug can teach us…how much we humans have yet to learn


He was generous with his time…

he was wise and accepting and kind…

and as we said goodbye I promised never again 

to take his (or her) picture from behind.

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