I love attending a child’s birthday party…watching the chaos, the gifts...the surprise

It’s a time when we get to view the world…for a moment…through a child’s eyes.


We see excitement…we see wonder…we see hugs and loving pats…

We see a lot of people singing at the top of their lungs to one child wearing a silly hat.


A child’s birthday party has many things our normal routine lacks…

It has music, laughter, ice cream…cake…it has gifts and songs and snacks.


At a child’s birthday party we realize…this is how life ought to be

as we’re transported back to at time when the world was more innocent…and free.


We see a unique and wonderful blend of people…a family of friends  

who sit around and linger…hoping the party never ends.


Perhaps that’s why we try to capture the innocence of that moment…before that moment slips into the past…hoping long after the party’s over…that innocence will last.


We attended a child’s birthday party yesterday…and, once again, what a wonderful surprise…watching this child at her party…viewing the world through her innocent eyes…


Watching her throughout her party…we couldn’t help but be entranced…

as she blew out her candles with her she laughed and sang and danced…


Through her eyes we saw pure happiness…it was like she was living in a dream…

as we watched her eat her birthday cake…with two flavors of ice cream…


We watched her enjoying every moment…every breath…every wonderful embrace…

and not once the entire evening…did a smile leave her face


What made this party truly special…however…

was not only watching the festivities unfold…

but the child at the center of this birthday…

just turned 70 years old.

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