Sometimes I have to wonder if my Creator wasn’t a little misbegotten…when I see, as I’ve grown older, all the things I have forgotten.


My doctor says not to be concerned…not to worry, not to fret…that as I grow a little older it is normal to forget.


And so I want to ask my doctor if in any textbook that he’s read…is it normal for me to forget where my glasses are…when they’re perched upon my head?


I want to ask him if when he was in school if any question on any exam… pertained to me forgetting names…what day it is…or even how old I am?


Is it normal for me to forget how I got these bruises…or why my arm is so sore?  Is it normal to forget I read this book…or I’ve seen this movie once before?


Is it normal…or do I have a reason for a little gloom and doom…for me to suddenly forget why I’ve walked into a room?


I would really like to talk with my doctor about this…to take his medical books to task…but by the time I’m sitting in his waiting room…I’ve forgotten what questions I wanted to ask.


There is an upside to my forgetting, however, a different point of view…because the more that I forget…the more forgotten things seem brand new.


Every time I read a book, watch a movie or walk into a room…my heart rate begins to rise…because of all the things I have forgotten…everything is a surprise.


There is a downside for you the reader, however…since there's a possibility I won’t remember writing these words…won’t remember the how…or why…or when

There’s a good chance in the future…

you'll be seeing this poem again.



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