Walking by an empty stadium I was reminded the other day

of when we took our children to the ball park to watch grown men at play.


We were in the stands with our baseball caps on when I heard my daughter exclaim,

“Daddy, this is boring...what do you like about this game?”


As I handed each of them a hot dog, with ketchup and mustard on their buns

I could have explained the rules of the game, what are strikes and balls and runs.


I could have taken that opportunity surrounded by my children and my wife

to explain how baseball, when we think about it, can teach us about life.


I could have pointed out although it is the individual player’s name we scream

how baseball teaches people to work together as a team.


That baseball teaches humility…that sometimes you’ll hear cheers…

and sometimes you’ll hear boos 

That some games you are going to win…and some…you’re going to lose.


That baseball teaches perseverance, determination, tenacity and grit

how you shouldn’t worry when you strike out for you’ll get another chance to hit.


I wanted to tell them down whatever paths they choose…no matter where they roam

When they round the bases to look for us…we’ll be waiting for them at home.


These are the thoughts that ran through my mind as we sat in the park that day

wearing our caps, eating our hot dogs…watching grown men at play.


“What do I like about baseball,” I said smiling for the answer suddenly I knew

“What I like best about baseball is sharing it with you”.


Our children are all grown up now…time moves on…and that’s a shame

because I never got to explain to them…the intricacies of the game.

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