We’ve come to know her on our walks…she seldom wears a frown.

She’s up early, just like us, and drives her golf cart around town.


Everyone knows Freddy…she wouldn’t have it any other way

Saying hi to her is a tradition…a wonderful way to begin our day…


Sometime we stop and chat…she loves to talk…she isn’t shy

Oftentimes we just wave to her as she goes zooming by.


She is an emissary…an ambassador…one of our city’s oldest living members

She loves to tell her stories…and share all that she remembers.


Today we waved as usual until she beeped and pulled alongside

then asked if we were busy or would we like to take a ride.


We happily jumped into her cart…for this adventure…we were ready

I climbed into the back…while Deborah sat up front…right next to Freddy.


She said she was excited to show us something…She knew we’d be excited too…

She drove us to her house where the entire lawn was decorated…

It was her birthday….92


We wished her a happy birthday…actually we kind of had to yell

(Perhaps that’s why she talks so much…cause she doesn’t hear so well.)


We continued on our walk as Freddy drove off fast..forthwith

looking for another person or persons to share her birthday with.


As we watched her drive away I wondered if every town has a Freddy 

I imagine that they do…

someone whose been around forever…someone who’s 92…


And if you do…take the time to get to know her…

talk and wave…if she asks you…sit behind

for you never know where she will take you


or what treasures you might find…

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