I love spending time in nature…where surprises are second to none.

Today I watched a little bird anticipate the rising of the sun…


I watched the ocean in the morning intimidate and harass

only to calm down in the afternoon and shimmer…just like glass.


I watched a variety of birds jogging back and forth along the shore.

I followed a flock of white pelicans…as overhead they soared.


I watched mullets jumping out of the water…arcing high and feeling free.

I watched a cool breeze wind it’s way through the trees and find it’s way to me.


I played for hours in the ocean with the grandchildren…

until wrinkles formed on our fingertips

We felt the wet sand fall through our fingers and tasted salt water on our lips.


I watched the light of a fading day ride the ocean’s waves onto the sand.

I watched the clouds absorb the evening sun in colors bright and grand.


And as I watched a little bird anticipate the sun about to set…

I thought of all the beauty in nature…but it wasn’t over yet…


For as I said goodbye to another day…lamenting how it ended much too soon


I looked up into the darkness and was greeted by the moon.

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