We heard about the shooting on the news and on TV.

We saw scenes of another mass murder…another killing spree.


The faces of the frightened children, their parents…everyone

witnesses and victims on the wrong side of a gun.


And we feel for all the victims…everybody at the scene

for even those who were not shot…have wounds that can’t be seen.


We hear about people at war…on our computers…on the news

The scenes of devastation…the panoramic camera views.


And we feel for all the victims…we can’t take it anymore…

but the killing keeps on coming…that is a consequence of war.


And we realize it’s not just the victims…not only those there at the scene

but even we who see and hear the news…have wounds that can’t be seen.


And we look to the leaders of our countries…to try to intercede…

To help the troubled ones and their families get the kind of help they need.


And we look to the leaders of our countries…to try and make the killing cease…

to face the problems…to end the wars…to create a world of peace.


And we beg our leaders to do something…anything…as we cry for those affected

and we beg their leaders to do something…anything…to keep us all protected.


To stop the wars…the fighting…the mass murders with a gun…

To make the world a safer place to live…for everyone…


So the next generation of children will not find war and massacres routine….


So the next generation of children will not have wounds that can’t be seen. 

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