I love our Christmas traditions…perhaps the fact it comes but once a year

is what makes our traditions special…is why we hold them all so dear.


From our first Christmas together…as a family we agreed

We would always, always, always….have a live, green Christmas tree.


Every year we pull out our decorations and as I put the lights upon the tree

we remember past Christmases together…and watch Love Actually.


As we are filled with anticipation and excitement for the coming of Christmas Day

we decorate the house inside and out…while Christmas carols play.


Deborah gets the Christmas cards ready…it’s something she loves to do.

Then I take them to the mailbox…OK…sometimes she does that too.


We make our list of Christmas gifts…some days we go shopping at the break of dawn…

Other days we purchase our gifts…on-line from Amazon. 


When our family finally comes together…

the night is filled with love and many surprises…

We open gifts, eat pizza, play some games…we even have door prizes…


Because in the end, though food and gifts are nice… I think our whole family agrees

what makes our Christmases special are our traditions…our memories…


But life has a way of slipping by…a family changes its face…

some of our traditions fall by the wayside…while new ones take their place…


Yes, this year we celebrated our old traditions…as we are want to do…

But for a change in 2017…we added something new…


This year T-Rex came into our lives…and before the year is gone

He’ll have cooked, and cleaned, and danced with us…why he’s even mowed our lawn! 


We are proud to welcome T-Rex into our happy family…

As proof, this year, we even asked him if he’d help to trim our tree…


I suggest you start a new Christmas tradition…

this year when not a creature us stirring…not even a mouse

why not do what we did…bring a T-Rex into your house…


Just remember…

when trimming the tree…don’t ask your T-Rex to put the angel on the top…

or you might hear him cry…

because…as tall as he is…his tiny arms…


won’t let him reach that high.

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