Stranger Friends

caustic comments restated to make the harsh truth behind them

a little easier to bear should tender eyes that belong

to the person they're directed at chance upon them

barbarous truths spoken with brutal precision

now laid out in more pleasing patterns

so they don't gouge holes in your heart

already so unfairly scarred

bits and pieces of the original message

laid out in a spastic manner

thrown out like words from a drunk

uncaring as to the consequences

such are the way words of anger often act

I gave my all, and seemingly got as much back

but was discarded at the first opportune moment

or maybe the self destructive drives eradicated

all the history laid down to strengthen

the relationship of friends, now strangers

who know each others names and faces

but no longer know the true person behind the facade

renew the bond, or let it die, it's up to you, but please decide

for this lack of communication is wearing

on my mind, and I assume the worst

and hope for the best

but know that the truth

is closer to the former

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