Partial Appology

just because I don't see you don't mean I don't think of you

and just because you're not mentioned does not mean

that you are forgotten like a brides maid's dress the day after the wedding.

you'll be in my memory, and be in my heart

which from necessity has been made inaccessible to my brain

just because I said I love you doesn't mean I'm an asshole

it just means it hurts too much to think of what love really means

searching for it and finding it, but discarding it for something closer

lost and wandering, confused and wondering

what I'm doing, where I'm going

I can't tell, I don't know.......

help me...

help me find

help me find something

help me find some peace

help me find myself....

not trying to mislead you

but I myself am mislead

For I am guiding myself

and I've got no sense of direction

so there goes any sense of comfort.

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