Progression, or Regression?

Take care to show no emotion

While these actions are in motion

Hateful words tossed like bombs

And all done without any qualms

Reveal the blood upon your palms

Time to show us just how calm

You can be while you self destruct

Make it so no one can re-construct

The life that you once led, upon a time

Let them all take this as a sign

You’re not alright

It’s time to decide, flee or fight

It’s time to decide, wrong or right?

Will you ever find the light

To guide yourself out of that hole

Of self recrimination, dug inside your soul

What a mess you’ve made

Do you even see the aid

Offered by many, and taken from none

Can you even finish anything you have begun?

A shadow lurks before the answers

but the questions eat away like a cancer

give in to the night.

At times you feel you might

and strength of will and strength of mind

do nothing much to help you find

what it is that you have sought

the reason that you have fought

some peace of mind and peace of heart

so much to work through, so why not start?

In this moment, this point in time

No simple way, or simple rhyme

Progression or regression it’s hard to tell

One from another while you dwell

In a mind so full of plight

you’ve found it’s time to fight.

These feelings you find so hard to label

And now you find yourself unable

To do even the simplest of things

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