What a Mess

be careful what you write

you never know who's reading

be careful what you say,

you never know who's listening

be careful what you do

you never know who'll find out

be careful what they know

you never know who's checking up on you

or maybe you do.

maybe these words are crafted for one reason,

for one person, for one mind.

maybe you know exactly what you're doing

who you're writing to, as an author,

you must know your audience

and I know some very well.

not a constant thing, but enough for me to notice you

if only it had gone differently

if only I had been better

if only.....but what's the use of looking to the past

hindsight is just like foresight, only without a future.

but with a mind that goes a mile a minute,

who can blame me for dwelling in the past once in a while

when my mind covers the future and the present

and still leaves room for more, i can't help but go over

and over the memories, good and bad

no regrets, but many wonders.

wondering what if this, or what about that.

mapping out the possibilities, both past and future.

all the while telling yourself you'll do better than that

but in reality, you won't do better,

you'll just fuck up in an all new way

make a different choice, but make a mess regardless.

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