The Run Is Doomed To Fail

running as far and fast as I can

only to end up in the same place once again

wander the world, but troubles follow

because no matter where I go, I can't escape myself

feeling broken, hollow, alone

but these words can't describe the truth

they pall in comparison to the actuality of it

melodramatics and overacting, nothing's as bad as i say

but at these times, it's so much worse

so many choices, so little chance

it's all wrong, nothing turns out the way I want

but always the way I knew it would

my brain is good at getting things right

it's my heart that makes the world turn sour

which makes my soul quake for hours

the rhythm and rhyme can only distract

from the fact that I'm discontent

with the life I have, the choices I'll make

because with limited options

come limited outlooks,

and limited outlooks, tend to look bleak

needing help, but managing to float

on a sea of mediocrity

maybe I'm just a malcontent

looking at others lives and wishing they were mine

wishing for all these things that are out of reach

thinking of possibilities that have passed me by

simply because I refused to act

frozen in place by fears, by insecurities

held immobile by being moral, by being helpful

by being true to myself, and others

and being dragged in so many directions

by hopes, and dreams, and possibilities that can never happen

and being stretched this thin is quite a trauma

hoping things will change, but knowing they'll stay the same

maybe one day my time will come, but that time is lost, and never to be found

lost in the multitude of people, all wishing for the same thing

my prayers go unanswered, and unheeded, or maybe I'm just deaf

to the call of opportunity, so intent upon my goals

that nothing gets through, and gets lost in transition

so many things get lost in translation, meaning, dreams, and thoughts

all written so clearly, and yet with so many ways to read between the lines

that no one could possibly grasp what's going on

no one could guess at the turmoil bubbling just below the surface

scraping at the ice covered water, locked below the surface

slowly drowning in insufficiencies, inadequacies, and improbabilities

finding air just under the surface, but only enough to taunt me

remind me of what I had, what I threw away, what was taken from me

by my own stupidity, by my anger, by my flaws

denied fulfillment by himself merely because he's too dumbstruck

too shy, too much of a dick, too shallow, too loving......

I give my all and get so little from so few.....

it's not too little too late, but it's only enough to keep me waiting

for the time when I get mine.....whatever that may be

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