The Blue Orchid

A dark and ominous forest

Awaits a tried and tired traveler

Giving up is easy

He must struggle on.

Soon, two roads await him

A familiar choice

He takes the road less traveled by

The way we all were taught.

Miles or days?

Yards or seconds?

There is no measure

Of the pursuits of such a man

But in some manner of achievement

In some distance or time

The traveler finds exactly

What he never knew to look for

The light begins to corrode

A near impenetrable fortress

The canopy fails

The sun breaks through

Surrounded by darkness

An island of light

Like the pupil of a green eye

Shines a beautiful blue orchid

The traveler is perturbed

By this ineffable being

So beautiful, so alone

So very like he.

The traveler sits to ponder the ways of the world.

This flower had grown

No eyes were to see

Her image of grace

Her notion of beauty

She had chosen me

To reveal her design

I felt the purport

Of her message divine

I could not live alone

And deny the gift

Of my perfect imperfection

To a world set adrift

Though it pained me to do

I plucked up the flower

And guided by her presence

I was home in an hour

Never again

Would I conceal my new light

My thoughts were the world’s

And each were made bright

And all of the world

Was invited to see

My precious blue orchid

The symbol that defined me

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