

A start before

“Gainsay namoha”

To his mother Ganesha

becomes a pet.

With him, breezy

Handsome Kartika, his

Brother takes a test of wit.

Journey begins.

Around the world

Peacock ride.

Prove to mother

Abilities his

better is Ganesha with

his wisdom and rat.

Faster than Kartika

on spot, decide.

Quick circle around

Parents, he is bright.

Kartika returns to find

lap of mother from

clever Ganesha much

earlier occupied.

His argument cutting edge

Mother is earth from Begin to end.

Encircle her is a world tour.

Ganesha-wisdom treasures parents.

Let us thus get rich, take our pledge.

A start before anything, “Gainsay namoha”

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Today is "Ganeshchaturthi" Hindus worship of wisdom that means Gain! Thus Ganeshai is Gainsay!

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