The end of the world and the squirrel

Millions of years ago the Gods formed the Earth. There were lakes and oceans, fertile green valleys, the bluest skies and great abundance of food. The animals that lived in Earth had everything they needed to live in a comfortable way. They didn’t have to do a thing to survive so they became very lazy. This made one of the Gods angry and one day he came to Earth to give all the animals to wan them that the end of the world was coming. He stated that only those who disserve to live could have the chance to overcome the disaster so they should prepare for bad weathers and lack of food and water. All of the animals in Earth didn´t paid attention about this since they assumed it was impossible to happen because they lived in such a perfect world. All of the animals thought this except by the squirrel that decided to prepare for the disaster that was coming. The squirrel started to collect as much food and water as possible and also he started looking for a good and safe shelter. But the rest of the animals went on being lazy and living their lives comfortably.

While the squirrel worked hard every single day to prepare his shelter and recollect food and water, the bear came by and asked him why he was working so hard since there was no need for it. The squirrel explained that they needed to listen to the warnings and prepare for the end of the world because it was the best thing to do. The bear laughed at the squirrel and said that the end of the world was impossible since they live in a perfect world but the squirrel insisted that it was better to prevent than being sorry for not doing it before and he advised the bear that they never know what could happen the next day. The bear told the little squirrel that all of this was a waste of time. The bear assure that the Gods just had envy of them living in such a perfect place. He told the squirrel to stop working and start living life without worries.

The squirrel keep on working hard while the other animals just watched and laughed at his hard work. The squirrel struggled with the opinions of the other animals that made offensive comments and disturbed the squirrel’s work. But after a few moths the end of the world came and there was a huge lack of food and water for all the animals, just as the God said. The weather was terrible and natural disasters appear all around the world and most of the animals started to die due to this changes because they weren’t prepared. All the animals suffered from this except for the little squirrel, which has been prepare for it. The bear came up to the squirrel asking for help since he was starving and needed a shelter. The squirrel felt bad for the bear but he couldn’t help him because the shelter and food was too small for the bear. The bear felt sorry for what he had said before and sadly the bear died with the rest of the animals that did not take in consideration the warning of the Gods except for the little squirrel.

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