No One Said

No one told me how life's going to be

How most of my days will be mundane misery

No one explained how lonely I'd feel

Or how a broken heart would beat on still

No one said don't be kind they'll end up using you

Or how some will even use it to abuse

No one mentioned how deep the scars would go

When you gave your all but left with nothing to show

No one relayed how day after day

You'd be forced to get up and pretend you're okay

No one shouted how you would silently cry

Alone in the dark because they all said goodbye 

No one shared how loss would come more often than not

Despite all your prayers or how hard you fought

No one teaches that even though time may heal

It also ticks away any joy you'll feel

No one told me just how hard life can get

And how most of your days will be filled with regret

But listen to me because I have something to say

Despite all of that, tomorrow's a new day

They may not all be winners, but there will come a few

Where despite all the things you wish you had knew

You will feel love and will laugh through the pain

And it's days like that, that keep us all sane

If nobody told you then listen right now

Life's really hard, but also beautiful somehow

Don't ever give up because there's still good days ahead

And I guess just some things don't need to be said 

Like how no one told me how life's going to be

Because it is what I make of it, it's all up to me

So I choose to be kind, to love, and to hopefully see

Just how blessed I have been and continue to be 


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