Waste of My Time

You have the skills of Scotty, you know.

Making me laugh is never a question.

Tickling me until my smile shows,

you always teach me a lesson.

With the charms of Ryan....

you seem to keep me following you around.

It seems like your always lyin...

waiting to be found.

With the honey brown eyes of my best friend,

you seem to keep me there.

I watch the messages they seem to send.

Their secrets I cannot bear.

With Kio's bravery you keep on drinkin till its all gone.

Then you take another hit.

Your always surrounded but your so alone.

It dont matter what careless words you spit.

But you want to know a secret...something only for you?

These people I mentioned I hold in my heart.

I see them when I look at you...yeah I do.

Thats why it tears me apart.

Those skills....

they tear flesh and eat at my heart.

The laugh you hear isn't real.

I know exactly what this will start.

Those charms...

They always seem to keep me chasing.

But just like he used them, you will to..for harm.

Thats why its your memory i'll be erasing.

Those eyes...

They hurt me...they made me cry.

You'll walk away with them closed, trying to hide.

Just like her, you will leave my side.

That addiction...

will cause fights; your lifestyle is too much.

Nothing but friction..

I will not hold any trust.

I pretend its not real but its as plain as day.

You're just out to make me bleed.

My feelings always get in the way,

but now I see you aren't something I need.

You aren't Ry, Britt, Ky, or Scott.

The truth is now in front of my eyes.

You think I'm gonna fall but...no I'm not.

You're cameron and your a fucking waste of my time.

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