
You're not free when a piece of paper controls your life


You're not free when they persecute you for smoking cannabis in a pipe


You're not free when they tell you how you should think, feel, and act


You're not free when nobody is aware that their lives are under attack


You're not free when music, TV, and the internet implants horrible things in your mind


You're not free when decent, caring, and imaginative people are so hard to find


You're not free when they poison all of your food, water, and medicine


You're not free when they suppress life changing technology over and over again


You're not free when your own government wants to corrupt and destroy the world


You're not free when you're so disgusted by society that it makes you want to hurl


You're not free when the open minded are called crazy and not given a fair voice


You're not free when most of the world is working for nothing wihtout a choice


You're not free when they want to take away your guns and leave you defenseless


You're not free when most people are miserable and in poverty and they could care less


You're not free when THEY create chaos and then later on act like they're fixing OUR mess


We're not free when the few people who DO care are not listened to


We're not free when lies are fed to thousands and percieved as true


We're not free when our every move is watched to keep control


We're not free when our country is run by evil people with no soul


We become closer to freedom once we start to ask more and more questions


We become closer to freedom when we work together against their oppression


We will be free once enough people come together to learn and accept the truth


We will be free once their fucked up system gets destroyed by people like me and you