A Tribute to Freshman Year


Here?s To Friendship?

Here?s To?

Making New On1es Everyday & Meeting Them Anywhere?

At a Party or By the Keg?

In a Classroom or in the stands of the Big Game?

While you?re walking across Campus or climbing up a fight of Stairs?

While you?re doing Laundry, & Even When You?re Missing Home...

Here?s To?

Never Forgetting Old Friends?

Your Original Crew?

All Your Boys from Back Home?

All Your Buddies going to Different Schools?

All of Your Pals Back at Home, & All Your Buddies still Stuck in High School?

Here?s To All The Friends?

The One?s that You?ve Just Met?

The Ones Whom You have not yet Come Across, & The Ones that You have Always Known?

The Ones who have Been There For You Forever?

Here?s To All of Your Boys?

The Guys that even though they are Hours and Hours Away-

Maybe even Across the Country, Always Will Remain Close to You?

Cause be it by Blood or by Bond; To You-

They are Not Far Away at All?

Here?s To Roommates?

To First Roommates, & To None at All?

Here?s To The Independence & Freedom?

To Living Up Your First Time Away from Home, & To Getting Homesick Every Night at the Same Time?

Here?s To The Classes?

The Early, & The Late?

The Ones Scheduled at the Worst Times?

Your First One on Monday Morning, & Your Last One on Friday Afternoon?

Here?s To That Which is the Inevitable?

Struggling to pass a course, & The Hours of Studying and Preparation for an Exam That You May Never Pass?

Here?s To All of the All-Nighters?

The Ones Spent with Friends, & The Ones Where You are All Alone in the Library?

Here?s To All of the Emotions?

Every Tear that You Have Hidden, & All the Laughter that You Have Shared?

?Here?s to the all times you?ll never remember,

Spent with all of the friends that you?ll never forget??

Here?s To All of the Times?

The Sloppy & The Composed?

The Happy & The Sad?

The Frustrating & The Enjoyable?

The Boring & The Exhilarating?

All the Times that Were Not So Pleasant & All of the Times that Will Forever be Remembered?

Here?s To Every Moment Spent & Shared?

All the Movie Days?

Every Busy Minute?

All those Great Sunny Days?

The Countless Hours at the Gym?

All the Lazy Moments, & All of the Endless Nights?

Here?s To All of the Chances?

All of Life?s Chances-

The Stupid Ones that Were Made, & The Smart Ones that Went Ignored?

Here?s To All of the Mistakes?.

Ones that You?ve Learned From?

Ones that You Still Think Were Right?

Ones that You?ve Made Only Once, & The Ones that You Always Seem to Repeat?

Here?s To Every Love?

The Old, & The New?

Here?s To The Heartbreak?

Suffering Through All of the Problems From Your Very First Relationship, & Loosing Your Very First Love?

Here?s To The Parents?

Having a Great Mother and Father?

An Awesome- Mom & Dad?

Parents that Will Drive Two Long Hours Just to Pick Up Their Son?

Parents that Will Answer the Phone at 3 a.m. Just to Assure You that Everything is Alright, & That they Miss You just as Much as You Miss Them?

Here?s To The Siblings?

Those That are An Inspiration-

The People Always Believing In You, & Making Everything that You Do- A Possibility?

Here?s To?

A Sister That?s Always There-

Always Has Been, & Always Will Be?

Here?s To All the Different Nights?

The Sober Ones in Front of a Book & The Drunken Ones on Top of a Keg?

Here?s To All Of It, The Whole Package?

The Good Times, The Great Times, & The Worst Times?

Here?s To?

The Best of Times & The Worst of Times?

Here?s To My First Year at College?

All the Things I?ve Done?

All the Times I?ve Had?

All the Friends I?ve Made?

All the Drunken Nights that I Don?t Remember?

All the Day?s of Doing Nothing?

The Very First Time we went to The Beach?

All of the parties I?ve went to?

Here?s To?

The Very First ?Hello? & The Very Last ?Goodbye??

Here?s To My First Year at College & All That it has Made Me Realize?

Here?s To My First Year at College-The Beginning of Growth & Change?

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