
Bobby and the whales:


There once was a group of killer whales that always went out hunting together as a group. They helped each other out whenever they needed, mainly because there were a lot of them in the group and they all needed to eat. Bobby, was the best hunter in the group, he always got they prey that he had set his eye on, but he always shared it with the rest of the group. One day Bobby caught a huge colorful fish, it tasted delicious, it was literally the best fish he had ever tasted in his life, he thought and he wanted it all for himself. The rest of the group talked to him and told him that he needed to share because that was the reason that they were a team in the first place. Bobby got really mad, he said it wasn´t fair that he was always sharing the fish he caught. He decided to run away. Bobby visit all of the other oceans, he saw many different places each of them bluer that the other, one ocean was clear and peaceful, the next was warm and really crowded with fish of different sizes and colors, the next was really cold, so cold Bobby almost felt like freezing; and it had some chunks of ice on the way, another one was more of a grey color and the water was really turbulent he could barely see ahead of himself. The oceans were so different but the only thing they had in common was that Bobby could not catch one single fish, not even a little one. Bobby got so frustrated that even though the population of fish was increasing he couldn’t catch even barnacles not even the slowest one. Sometimes at night Bobby dreamed about his old group, he thought that he was not necessary for the group, but right now he needed them to hunt. The fish population increased and increased but Bobby wasn’t able to hunt by himself, the whole marine ecosystem was on the edge of collapsing because of the overpopulation of fishes in all oceans, nobody knew what was happening, no body but Bobby, he came to the conclusion that his pack wasn’t able to hunt also, so with the rest of strength he had swam across the ocean to look for his pack. He saw them skinny and slow paced but happy to see him. They got together and hugged and realized they were a whole again. They hunt as if the world was going to end and binge ate all kind of fishes, sharing everything. Bobby thought to himself “Teamwork is part of us, we have to share what we get because we all worked for it; and every action we make has an impact on everyone not just me” Bobby and his friend talked on what happened and concluded that they need to stick together if they wanted to eat, so they changed from being called a group to be called a team.


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