Bittersweet leash

The darkest and thickest fur you can imagine, combined with a malicious glare that will make even the strongest flinch, that’s the perfect description of my dog. A thick, 3 foot long leash with a blue and green pattern is the thing my dog values the most. That blue and green intricate pattern that resemblance two snakes tangling up, pops out of the grayness of the garage. The leash always hangs at the same position, so whenever we get into the garage we will always see those two snakes tangling up on the same wall in the same height, and, my dog’s eyes and hears focused on the leash to see and hear if it moves or makes any kind of sound.  I don’t know if it’s an instinct reflex or he actually knows that every time a tinkling metallic sound comes out of the garage its his leash, which indicates we are going for a walk. That high pitch sound generates the most effusive and exaggerated reactions on him, jumps, barks, tail wiggles, spins, panting and two big, round and green eyes full of happiness and enjoyment. He is really proud of his leash, he thinks he’s wearing a diamond necklace with emeralds and sapphires, but it’s just a regular leash, we try not to tell him the truth or he will be disappointed of the most valuable object he has.  Funny how, unleashing him generates the same effusive reactions as leashing him.  And now when he’s running free and sees us wagging the leash a disappointment expression exceeds the enjoyment of the moment, the leash has opposite meaning to him. The same tinkling sounds can make him paint out of excitement but at the same time lower his head to acknowledge that is time to leave and return to the same place it started. A leash that according to him has shortened along time is the most representative object of my dog, the green and blue colors contrast with his dark fur, but gives him a sweet look. That leash, that traveled with us every time we went on vacations, which crossed countries and walked side by side with us on beaches, forests, and desserts is the object that generates a bond between within my dog. Those two snakes and the bittersweet effect they have on my dog is something funny to think about. Dogs might not be with you your whole life, but their whole lives they are with you.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

MY dogs has been with us for 15 years.

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