Read This Poem

Solve this equation

Analyze this text

Recite these dates and events

Memorize this for the test

Repeat after me

Stay in your seat

Don’t stray from the others

Write a thesis

Pass the exams

Read this textbook

Listen to this lecture

And another

And another

Scribble these words in your notebook

Make studying your priority

Pay your taxes

Buy health insurance

Marry someone, anyone

Think logically, not emotionally

Raise your children

Force them to do their homework

Wrangle them in from playing

So they can solve this equation

So they know how to analyze this text

So they can recite the dates of the dead

So they can memorize it for their test

And when they repeat after me

They’ll stay in their seats

They won’t stray from the others

They’ll never be the reason for memorizing the dates

Or be researched for a thesis

Or the topic of a lecture

Or mentioned in a textbook

They’ll make their priority studying

They’ll marry someone, anyone

And they’ll be forgotten someday


Just like you

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