As I Pass Into The Night

As I pass into the night let the birds sing my name.
Let the water carry my heart and let the world read my soul.
As I pass into the night listen to the sound as I go.
Hear the silence of retreat and watch the cadence in my dance.
As I pass into the night find the meaning of it all.
The finality of the beginning and the beginning of the end.
As I pass into the night look up to the stars.
See the multitude of their being feel the stillness of their forms.
As I pass into the night remember moments once forgotten.
Hold onto that which can be held. Let go that which cannot.
As I pass into the night find the balance once given.
Hope that time remains but in the end know that time will escape.
As I pass into the night remain capable of sensation.
Do not forget that which was given. Forget that which was not.

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