The Art of War

The Art of War,

Is something you should not adore,

When you split an atom straight in its very own core

After nuclear rockets fly straight over your own shore

And blasts right in front of your very own door

Nuclear Holocaust would only last an hour

Leaving you, your friends and family to cower

And hoping to not get hit by an acid shower

With all that immense power

You can see that mushroom cloud tower

People trying to do what they deem right

But all they tend to do is to just fight

Until they see the earth turn bright

Not enough time to fear for the great light

Until that day comes I will not weep

Cause the leaders just think we’re all some sheep

While they send their wolves to reap

But I guess it’s time now that we all should sleep

When we we wake up we’ll all be in hell

Cause we did sins only god could tell

So for eternity this is where we all dwell

For being the victim of a holy bombshell

In the end, we’re all not really apart,

It’s just evil that just has no heart

Cause then we’ll all be back at the start

From where I can understand, war is not art

Author's Notes/Comments: 

The fact that nuclear holocaust and war is a constant fear on Earth inspired me to write this poem and share it.

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