My mirros’s father



It was the month of May. I was just a child. The field in the backyard of the house was filled with flowers, the trees bloomed and birds sang. My father got up early, as usual, looked out the window and watched the street, he went to the kitchen, drank some water and then he went straight to the bathroom. No matter if he goes to bathe, no matter if he goes to wash his teeth, no matter if he goes to wash his face, he just goes to look at him in the mirror and organize his ideas. It was as if the mirror told him what to do, as if the mirror gives some advise to him, as if the mirror had all the answers to the questions he posed, as if the mirror were a person. I watched him from afar, I did not interrupt him, I did not take out his concentration, I knew that my father get up early everyday and he walk around the house, I heard from my room that my father was talking to someone, but I never imagined that my father was talking to the mirror. Yes, my father is a businessman, an excellent businessman; he is always busy in work meetings, in meetings, or doing some business. But invariably, every morning and evening he takes the time to look in the mirror and talk to him. Sometimes he has good days and he has bad days sometimes, as in all businesses. Sometimes he comes home tired after a busy day of work, and sometimes he just comes home with a smile and telling good stories. Whatever the way he comes home, he walks to the bathroom and looks in the mirror, this was a routine he has since I was a child. It has always been the mirror in the same bathroom, my mother wanted to hang another mirror in his bathroom, but my father would not let her do that. It may be that my father would have some appreciation of that mirror, or simply he already has been identified with it. But the fact is that at my age I did not understand what my father looked in the mirror, what he talked with the mirror. But now that I'm almost an adult, I do this routine like him, so I put my thoughts in order; I define my priorities and decide which way to act in different situations. Sometimes I remember the first time I saw my father in front of the mirror and I laugh with a great smile, because at that time (when I was a child) I kept quiet until my father came out of the bathroom, he looked at me with a smile and said, "When you grow up you'll understand. "

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