
I feel oppressed, I'm under serious stress. I just need to get shit off my chest. My life's a shitty mess, I really don't know what's best... for me. There's this bright future that I see, but I'm so afraid I won't acheive or succed. because i don't believe... in myself. I need help, because this is how i've felt... for a while. But I've hid it with a smile. I've been in denial.... of my condition, so i'll just continue wishin'.. that it didn't have to be this way. Because I'm not ok, and there's nothing you can say.. or do. I'm confused, because I just don't know who.. i am anymore. there isn't any more room left to store.... these emotions. My life's been moving in a downward motion. Sometimes I think death would be a promotion. Please don't take this as a notion... that I want to die this is just a cry... or plea. to make me see, that it doesn't have to be... this way. It's time to change, Because it's not to late. I'll just have to set things straight, and maybe one day i'll believe I'll be great.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I am 15 this is my first poem. I have written this to try and cope with my depression.

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