Fatal Addiction

all I'm left with are fantasies

and fatal addictions

clawing at my skin

suffering from this sweet intoxication

the taste of you still stuck in my mouth

you've taken over me

this dramatic withdrawal

i seem to be going through

my mind is a time machine

stuck in the time of you and i

locked in our memories

lying here curled in a ball

wondering if you still exist at all

only a tiny stream of consciousness

until i'm back with force into this world

that you've created for me

but i have put myself in

i destroy myself

you have made me

another victim of reality

to run my own hand

down my own chest

to feel my own heart

beating at it's own pace

without you i continuously

hurl myself into nowhere

your voice echoes inside my head

with words you never spoke before

i tell myself i hate you

but the only one that hates you is yourself

my innocent sins have destroyed me

I'm abandoned

i long for your sweet misery

i thrived on that pain

i find the strength to wake up

to go on and do what i must

stare at faces - thousands

hitting into me

staring at me

but because of you

without you

I'm walking down

an empty street

my heart used to be filled

with happiness

now i doubt it's existence

it took so long to realize

everything i feel you feel too

this story I've been living

is a story of love

and this story

you seem to be telling too

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