
You are the pull on my soul

the tug on my heart

you are the one that makes me fly

when i'm sinking the most

you make me shudder when i'm most at ease

and in your arms i forget all the worries

the cares of the world

because i know, as long as i'm with you,

i'm safe...

you are the tears in my eyes

and the smile on my face

you are the point of zero gravity

when i am most grounded on this earth

you make my tone deaf voice sing

as if enchanted by the greatest muses

you are the pen in my hand

the words on this paper

my every move is in someway related to you

you pull me in so deep that i can't breathe,

so deep that i can't sleep.

you are the blackhole, baby,

and try as I might to change,

you are the only thing I want.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

How else can I describe what you are to me, love? You are my blackhole, baby, and this was meant to be.

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