Just this once

Just this once

let me be right

I don't care if I'm wrong

for the rest of my life

Just this once

come over and talk

I'm not worried about others

or afraid that they will balk

Just this once

don't let me walk away

I want to restart

It's a brand new day

Just this once

tell me the truth

We both know you love me

and we belong together, too.

Just this once

admit it to yourself

you love me so much

more than anyone else

Just this once

feel my pain

I never meant to hurt you

I have no lies to feign

Just this once

come tell me you love me

convince me, prove yourself

and let the world see

that we belong together

we were made for each other

and we'll never love another

we'll be together, forever.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

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