dislike, utter dislike

Tired of you

and your words

I want you

to leave me alone

I have no interest in you

so leave

u make my life worse

all the time


I blame you for everything

and I blame no other

I can't believe

that at one point

I considered you my role-model

I wanted to be just like you

and behave the way you do

well guess what

not anymore

I hope I never become like you

I hope I'm a much better parent

than you've been

I hope my kids feel like

I WILL understand

I don't ever want then

to feel like I'm a stranger

but for you and me,

It's too late

you've become a stranger a long, long time ago

and I just have one thing to say to you now

and this is the only thing I feel for you right now

Just three words mom and dad

I Hate You

Author's Notes/Comments: 

My parents are strangers that can't understand me, ever, and this is about how I feel about them right now...

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