I Am Cassie (school paper)

I am a teenage girl who loves God

I wonder is this real?

I hear gun shots

I see a guy walk in with blood on his shoulder

I want to help him

I am a teenage girl who loves God

I pretend I’m not scared

I feel the gun against my head

I touch God’s hand, which is next to mine

I worry that the boys in front of me will hurt others

I cry knowing they don’t have God in their hearts

I am a teenage girl who loves God

I understand I’ll be with God in heaven

I say I believe in God

I dream that this never happened

I try not to break down

I hope these boy understand what they are doing and not hurt anyone else

I am a teenage girl who loves God

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is another school assment...we had to read another book, do a report and they gave us a format for an I Am poem and act like you were the person in the story.....

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