Thank you

I will always be grateful for you,

I remember them days, but do u?

Let me brothers refresh your minds

About that days while we were younger and always in fights.

While I was sword, you were always my shield

I was fighting, you newer let me be killed

I was reaching some goals and you

Were the inspiration that gave me a power to do,

I was thinking about a dream or "due"

And you helped me to make them come true.

I made shit, you wiped my ass,

For 100's times you saved me from death

Sometimes you even didn't understood

That you were helping me (there fore I'm thankful), but now it's all good.

And everyday I recollect your influence on me,

You taught me be strong and understood my tear.

You showed me right way, and you gave me advice,

Whom to be in this World and how to survive.

Remember your words, :"Brother you will achieve."    

Thanks for your friendship, I could do nothing with out your belief!

So now you know, that you are appreciated,

My brothers to whom this words are dedicated!

P.S.: From a nigga, to my jiggaz!(This is dedicated to my brothers Zoka & Shoka!)

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